Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

Birds Of Prey Information

Information about the birds of prey I have had the pleasure to work with. Their characteristics, natural habitat, size, weight, wingspan and life expectancy. From the largest birds of prey, the eagles to the smallest kestrels and not forgetting the owls. There are the high flying birds of prey and the low flyers, but more on this in another section about birds of prey behaviour. Click on the maps or images below for more specific and detailed information about each of the birds of prey species.


Gyrfalcon Distribution Map
Gyrfalcon Distribution Map
Gyrfalcon Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 47-60 cm
Wingspan 110-130 cm
Weight 800-1300 gr
Lifespan 3-20 jaar
Species falco

European Buzzard

European Buzzard Distribution Map
European Buzzard Distribution Map
European Buzzard
European Buzzard
European Buzzard Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 51-57 cm
Wingspan 110-130 cm
Weight 800-1100 gr
Lifespan 4-26 jaar
Speciest Buteo

American Kestrel

American Kestrel Habitation Map
American Kestrel Habitation Map
American Kestrel
American Kestrel
American Kestrel Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 22-28 cm
Wingspan 52-61 cm
Weight 118-121 gr
Lifespan 8-13 years
Species falco sparverius

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle Habitation Map
Bald Eagle Habitation Map
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 70-106 cm
Wingspan 180-235 cm
Weight 3-7 kg
Lifespan 20-30 years
Species haliaeetus

Chilean Eagle (Black-chested Eagle-buzzard)

Chili Eagle Habitation Map
Chili Eagle Habitation Map
Chile Eagle
Chili Eagle
Chili Eagle Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 61-80 cm
Wingspan 174-200 cm
Weight 1.8-2.1 kg
Lifespan 20-29 years
Species geranoaetus

Eagle Owl

Eagle Owl Habitation Map
Eagle Owl Habitation Map
Eagle Owl
Eagle Owl
Eagle Owl Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 58-75 cm
Wingspan 138-200 cm
Weight 1.5-4.1 kg
Lifespan 10-40 years
Species bubo bubo

Harris Hawk

Harris Hawk Habitation Map
Harris Hawk Habitation Map
Harris Hawk
Harris Hawk
Harris Hawk Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 46-77 cm
Wingspan 100-110 cm
Weight 0.7-1.1 kg
Lifespan 11-15 years
Species parabuteo

Lanner Falcon

Lanner Falcon Habitation Map
Lanner Falcon Habitation Map
Lanner Falcon
Lanner Falcon Habitation Map
Lanner Falcon Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 43-50 cm
Wingspan 95-105 cm
Weight 500-900 gr
Lifespan 8-16 years
Species falco biarmicus

Little Owl

Little Owl Habitation Map
Little Owl Habitation Map
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 23-27 cm
Wingspan 54-58 cm
Weight 140-220 gr
Lifespan 3-15 years
Species athene noctua

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon Habitation Map
Peregrine Falcon Habitation Map
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 34-50 cm
Wingspan 80-120 cm
Weight 440-1500 gr
Lifespan 7-20 years
Species falco peregrinus

Snow Owl

Snow Owl Habitation Map
Snow Owl Habitation Map
Snow Owl
Snow Owl
Snow Owl Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 52-66 cm
Wingspan 120-150 cm
Weight 1.7-3 kg
Lifespan 15-28 years
Species bubo scandiacus

Steppe Eagle

Steppe Eagle Habitation Map
Steppe Eagle Habitation Map
Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 60-83 cm
Wingspan 165-205 cm
Weight 2-3.6 kg
Lifespan 5-23 years
Species aquila nipalensis

Southern Boobook Owl

Boobook Owl Habitation Map
Boobook Owl Habitation Map
Boobook Owl
Boobook Owl
Boobook Owl Conservation Status (Not Threatened)
Height: 27-37 cm
Wingspan 70-80 cm
Weight 170-360 gr
Lifespan 15-23 years
Species Ninox novaeseelandiae
Not Threatend
Not Threatend Species Threatend Species Extinct Species
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