“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
For more photographs of the Chili Eagle, see my Eagles Falconry Photo Gallery.
The name already says it 'Chilean Eagle' and lets you believe it is a true eagle, but this is actualy not true. This bird of prey may appear large and ferocious giving the impression it is an eagle, but actually is a large buzzard type bird of prey. Chilean eagles are found in the western regions of South America. The young eagles are brown and just like the Bald Eagle only get their blue/grey plumage after four to five years. They like high lying and mountainous regions and as daylight hunters they spend most of time souring on the thermals looking for prey. Chiliean eagle make there nest out of twigs in high trees and up agains high clifs. However there nest have also been spotted in cactuses. They are particular about their nests and may build several of them before choosing and settling in one. Breeding can occur throughout the year with between one and three eggs being layed. Incubation lasts 31 days.
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