“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
For more photographs of the European Buzzard, see my Buzzard Photo Gallery.
Buzzards like forests to breed in and open areas for hunting. Their feather colouring can be very varied but in general is not very spectacilar and sometimes they confused with hawks. The European buzzard is very territorial and once they find a partner is is for their whole life. Buzzards build their nests in trees in the Springtime and during the breeding season they with defend their nest with a passion. Two to four eggs are layed and they take 28 to 38 days to hatch. After seven weeks the young buzzards leave the nest. Buzzards can reach an of up to 26 years in the wild.
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Put the mouse on the speaker symbol to play the European Buzzard sound file. The call of the European Buzzard.
For actual and most updated information on the Buzzards.