Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

My Falconry Action Photo Gallery

These falconry pictures were taken by my parents, I think they still need a lot of practice on photgraphing fast moving birds of prey, but I'll let you make your own opinion.

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Falconry - Chili Eagle - This is 'Doenja' a Chilean Eagle.
This is 'Doenja' a Chilean Eagle.
Chili Eagle - A Chili Eagle aproaches the falconer.
A Chili Eagle aproaches the falconer.
Falconry - falcon on a lure - Frans Lenders of Falconcrest is flying a falcon on a lure.
Frans Lenders of Falconcrest is flying a falcon on a lure.
Falconry - Gyr Falcon on lure - Frans with a Gyr Falcon on the lure.
Frans with a Gyr Falcon on the lure.
Harris Hawk - Laura training Harry the harris hawk to fly to the falconers gauntlet.
Laura training Harry the harris hawk to fly to the falconers gauntlet.
Falconry - Harris Hawk Gliding - Harry the Harris Hawk in a low glide over the ground.
Harry the Harris Hawk in a low glide over the ground.
Chili Eagle - A chili eagle choosing to run rather than fly, rather funny sight.
A chili eagle choosing to run rather than fly, rather funny sight.
Snow Owl Gliding - A snow owl in a low glide over the ground.
A snow owl in a low glide over the ground.
Snow Owl approaches falconeer - A snow owl approaching a falconer low over the ground.
A snow owl approaching a falconer low over the ground.
Snow Owl preparing to land on falconeers gauntlet - A snow owl prepares to land on the gauntlet of a falconer.
A snow owl prepares to land on the gauntlet of a falconer.
Falconry - Snow Owl Landing - A Snow owl lands on the gauntlet of a falconer.
A Snow owl lands on the gauntlet of a falconer.
Falconry - Snow Owl Flying - Snow owl flying low over the ground.
Snow owl flying low over the ground.
Falconry - Snow Owl Approach - A snow owl gains height and prepares to land.
A snow owl gains height and prepares to land.
Snow Owl Landing - Snow Owl lands on falconers gauntlet.
Snow Owl lands on falconers gauntlet.
Harris Hawk Approach - A harris hawk zones in on the falconers gauntlet with food.
A harris hawk zones in on the falconers gauntlet with food.
Harris hawk gliding - A harris hawk gliding low over the ground.
A harris hawk gliding low over the ground.
 Harris Hawk looking for food - Harris hawk looking for food.
Harris hawk looking for food.
Harris Hawk Inbound - Harris Hawk inbound towards the falconer.
Harris Hawk inbound towards the falconer.
Harris Hawk concentrating on food - Harris Hawk zoomed in the falconers gauntlet.
Harris Hawk zoomed in the falconers gauntlet.
 Harris Hawk landing - Harris Hawk lands on falconers gauntlet.
Harris Hawk lands on falconers gauntlet.
Hawk gliding - Harris hawk gliding.
Harris hawk gliding.
Harris Hawk Inbound - A harris hawk circles and prepares to approach the falconer.
A harris hawk circles and prepares to approach the falconer.
Harris Hawk airbrakes - Harris Hawk flies close by the photographer.
Harris Hawk flies close by the photographer.
 Gyr Falcon in flight - A Gyr Falcon in flight getting ready to strike the falconers lure.
A Gyr Falcon in flight getting ready to strike the falconers lure.
Training a Gry Falcon on the lure - Jeanene Steeman working with Tania, a Gyr falcon on the lure.
Jeanene Steeman working with Tania, a Gyr falcon on the lure.
Peregrine Falcon Flight - A peregrine falcon in flight gaining hieght to stike the lure.
A peregrine falcon in flight gaining hieght to stike the lure.
Snow Owl take-off - A snow owl takes off.
A snow owl takes off.
Snow Owl air brakes - A Snow owl slowing down and preparing for a landing.
A Snow owl slowing down and preparing for a landing.
Snow Owl to gauntlet - Snow Owl prepares to land on falconers gauntlet.
Snow Owl prepares to land on falconers gauntlet.
Snow Owl Flying - Snow Owl flying.
Snow Owl flying.
Snow Owl flying past photographer - Snow Owl flies low close past the photographer.
Snow Owl flies low close past the photographer.
Snow Owl Gliding - Amber the Snow Owl gliding low over the ground.
Amber the Snow Owl gliding low over the ground.
Snow Owl Gliding by - Agje the Snow Owl comes gliding by.
Agje the Snow Owl comes gliding by.
Snow Owl Air Brakes - Snow Owl using its wings as air brakes to slow down.
Snow Owl using its wings as air brakes to slow down.
Snow Owl prpares to grab food - Snow Owl preparing to land on the falconers gauntlet to get some food.
Snow Owl preparing to land on the falconers gauntlet to get some food.
Show Owl lazy glide - A snow owl in a lazy low glide over the ground.
A snow owl in a lazy low glide over the ground.
Snow Owl power takeoff - Snow Owl using its wide wings to make a power takeoff.
Snow Owl using its wide wings to make a power takeoff.
Snow Owl slowing down in flight - Snow owl slowing down while in flight.
Snow owl slowing down while in flight.
Peregrine Falcon in attack mode - A peregrine falcon prepares to strike the lure.
A peregrine falcon prepares to strike the lure.
Peregrine Falcon Fly-By - Peregine falcon flies by at high speed to gain hight for the next attack round.
Peregine falcon flies by at high speed to gain hight for the next attack round.
Peregrine Falcon Pounce - Peregrin falcon ready to pounce on the lure.
Peregrin falcon ready to pounce on the lure.
Peregrine Falcon attacks lure - Peregrine falcon ready to stike the lure.
Peregrine falcon ready to stike the lure.
Peregrine Falcon Diving - Peregrine falcon diving down to strike the lure.
Peregrine falcon diving down to strike the lure.
Gyr Falcon on lure - Gyr falcon approaching the lure.
Gyr falcon approaching the lure.
Snow Owl Gliding Close-up - A beautifull close-up of a snow owl gliding through the air.
A beautifull close-up of a snow owl gliding through the air.
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