Jeanene Steeman and Laura van Katwijk at the Falconcrest Falconry Fair.
 Jeanene and Laura cut the cake to celebrate their birthdays.
 Christell and Laura with two american kestrels called 'Puk' and 'Muk'.



 Jeanene Steeman and Frans Lenders try to lure a raptor, who deceided to take a break in a nearby tree, down from it's perch.
 Maira and the buzzard called 'Amigo'.
 Taking photos or the photographer during a party at Falconcrest.

 Jeanene Steeman and Laura van Katwijk discuss about 'Harry' the harris hawk.
 Jeanene Steeman and Laura van Katwijk with Harry and Kira the harris hawks during the falconry fair.
 Laura busy training the peregrine falcon called Lyka.
 Laura and Amber the snow owl both have grown very attached to each other.
 Laura and Amber. Amber the snow owl is very attache d to Laura
 Laura and the falcon called Artan. Artan is a very fast flying falcon.
 Laura taking Diana the Harris hawk for walk.
 Laura assiting during the training of a Chilean Eagle we call Doenja.
 Laura and the little owl called Ko, out for a morning walk.
 The falcon Laika in training. It takes hours of your time and a lot of patience to get a falcon to trust you and to sit comfortably on the falconers gauntlet.
 The young snow owl Anber with Laura. The reason these two are so attached is the fact that Laura cared for Amber since she was a small chick.
 Laura, Frans and Jeanene share a moment together between the tasks that need to be done at the birds of prey park.
 Laura and Jeanene prepare to continue the training of the chilean eagle called Doenja.
 Sorry....it should be the thee falconers.
 Laura and Jeanene prepare to fly Harris Hawks during a birds of prey demonstration.
 Laura has a natural feeling for birds of prey, and is one of my best friends.
 Myra is a student doing her practicle traing at Falconcrest. Myra has become one of my best friends.
 Myra and the HArris hawks get along just fine each other. Here Myra is flying the Harris Hawk called Harry.

 Laura and an American Kestrel called Muk. Laura was telling people all about the kestrels at one of the birds of prey display events at Falconcrest.
 Myra with a young American kestrel chick.
 Nicky is falconer at Falconcrest and helps and assists when we work with the eagles.
 Mothers and small cute birds of prey.
 Muk the American kestrel getting a ride on Laura's should during a cold morning walk around the park.
 Taking a break from all the activities at the birds of prey park. Laura and Jeanene with the two American kestrels Puk and Muk.
 Rene and the peregine falcon Tara.

 Tessa and Ninja the Harris hawk.
 Jeanene, Myra and Laura take Amigo the bussard, Harry the Harris Hawk and Bubo the Eagle Owl for a stroll arounf the park.
 The three apprentice falconers taking the birds of prey into the woods.
 Rene and Doenja the Chilean Eagle during a training session.