Also a carnivour, but not part of the birds of prey species I work with. Frequently spotted in the park at the pond trying to catch toads and fish.
 Another flying carnivore but these do not have feathers.
 There are other beautiful flying creatures in the raptor park.
 A crow nesting in a tree that is in the middle of the birds of prey park.
 The name suggests a sweat feline carnivour, however this is not true. Some of the Spring vegetation found in the birds of prey park.
 Wild ducks often frequent the pond at Falconcrest. However when we fly the birds of prey, they soon leave.
 In the Spring the woods surrounding the birds of prey park burst into life.
 It's amazing how big goldfish can become if you put them in a large pond. These fish have been in the pond 2 years and have doubled in size.
 Fungus on a dead tree trunk.
 This camougalge is not working.
 Work horse dressed up.
 There are other carnivores in the birds of prey park besides the raptors.
 A formidable flying hunter that can maneuver in six directions whilest in flight.
 Beautifull flowers in the park during the summer months
 Orange Lily in the garden at the falconry.
 A moorhen made the pond her home.
 Not everything beautifull has feathers at Falconcrest, the flora during Spring and Summer are also quite diverse.
 In Dutch they are called 'horse flowers' because horses like to eat them, however my cockateel also has a taste for these plants.
 Water lilies in the pond at Falconcrest.
 I am certain that rabbits are not very clever, as there are many rabbits in the park
 Little amphibians on the loose.
 The rule is : No dogs in the park. And has life has taught me, there are always exceptions.
 Saluki's running loose in the park, these dogs are real fast.
 This turtle just appeard in the pond at Falconcrest and has made it it's home.
 Vulture circling low ready to land and get something to eat.
 It is not a dragonfly, but also eats meat.
 We have named the water turtle 'Nessie'. Normally wild animals avoid humans but not Nessie.
 Frozen ground at the park during winter, it can get really cold.