Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

Falconry Equipment

In the workshop of the master falconer

Frans Lenders of Falconcrest is world famous for his craftmanship in making falconry equipment like hoods, gloves, hawking bags and accessories. Frans allows us to help him if we want too, teaching us the how and why of this craft as we are ready for it. I really enjoy and appreciate making my own falconry equipment with the knowledge I learn from Frans as this is not something you can learn from school or from text books, it is a true art and craft. Did you know that Falconcrest is the only remaining tradional Dutch falconry equpment manufacturer in the world.

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Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Each falcon hood gets a protective coating and are then heat dried before the final construction.
Each falcon hood gets a protective coating and are then heat dried before the final construction.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falcon jesses. These are made of soft leather and placed on the bootst of the falcon.
Falcon jesses. These are made of soft leather and placed on the bootst of the falcon.
Falconers wardrobe - This where the falconry gauntlets and bags sleep.
This where the falconry gauntlets and bags sleep.
Falconers dem - Int the falconers den.
Int the falconers den.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry Hood Blocks - Replica's of the orgional 'Adriaan Mollen' falconry blocks.
Replica's of the orgional 'Adriaan Mollen' falconry blocks.
Unique falconry hoods - These falconry hoods are unique Falconcrest creations.
These falconry hoods are unique Falconcrest creations.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Completed falconry hoods, ready for packaging, dispatch and use.
Completed falconry hoods, ready for packaging, dispatch and use.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Finishedfalconry gauntlets on the shelf.
Finishedfalconry gauntlets on the shelf.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falconry gauntlets ready for dispatch to falconers over the whole world.
Falconry gauntlets ready for dispatch to falconers over the whole world.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falconry hoods that have been treated and waiting to be laced.
Falconry hoods that have been treated and waiting to be laced.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falconry hood on the block. The blocks are in various sizes and used to shape the leather.
Falconry hood on the block. The blocks are in various sizes and used to shape the leather.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Leather and a block are used to create the falcon hoods. The hoods are made from several different pieces of leather.
Leather and a block are used to create the falcon hoods. The hoods are made from several different pieces of leather.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Each falconry hood is induvidualy made from a selection of leather types.
Each falconry hood is induvidualy made from a selection of leather types.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falconry hood made crocodile and kalf leather.
Falconry hood made crocodile and kalf leather.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falcon hood made using snake and kalf leather.
Falcon hood made using snake and kalf leather.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Various types are leather are used to make falcon hoods, making each hood unique.
Various types are leather are used to make falcon hoods, making each hood unique.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falcon hood in the process of being completed.
Falcon hood in the process of being completed.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Customised falcon hoods. Paintings and images can be put on the falcon hoods to customise them as the falconer wants.
Customised falcon hoods. Paintings and images can be put on the falcon hoods to customise them as the falconer wants.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Jeanene placing a rim on a falcon hood to prevent the feathers from damage when worn by a falcon.
Jeanene placing a rim on a falcon hood to prevent the feathers from damage when worn by a falcon.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Outdoor averies for the birds of prey.
Outdoor averies for the birds of prey.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Jeanene learning how to make a falconry hood, with her mentor Frans Lenders keeping a watchfull eye.
Jeanene learning how to make a falconry hood, with her mentor Frans Lenders keeping a watchfull eye.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - To ensure a ferfect fit, Jeanene is trimming the falconry hood and getting rid of all sharp edges.
To ensure a ferfect fit, Jeanene is trimming the falconry hood and getting rid of all sharp edges.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Each falconry hood can be customised if required. Here Frans uses an airbrush to put some colour on a falconry hood.
Each falconry hood can be customised if required. Here Frans uses an airbrush to put some colour on a falconry hood.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Standard model falconry hoods, varnished and waiting to be laced and finished.
Standard model falconry hoods, varnished and waiting to be laced and finished.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Falconry hood ready to receive the 'ploom' on top.
Falconry hood ready to receive the 'ploom' on top.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Arabian style falconry laces.
Arabian style falconry laces.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Jeanene installing the laces on this Dutch style falcon hood
Jeanene installing the laces on this Dutch style falcon hood
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Thread used to sew the hoods.
Thread used to sew the hoods.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - The falconers tools consist of a hawking bag, falcon hood, lure and gauntlet.
The falconers tools consist of a hawking bag, falcon hood, lure and gauntlet.
Falconry Equipment and Accessories - Working with leather is an art and a craft and needs to be mastered if quality falcon hoods are required.
Working with leather is an art and a craft and needs to be mastered if quality falcon hoods are required.
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