Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

My Falconry "Fun" Photo Gallery

Wild Animals are always unpredictable, specially the birds or prey, and have tendencies to do things you never expect. And so can I, I am told, however, they can also be very amusing. I should ask my father to be able to add a story to each of these pictures. They say a picture says a thousand words, but somtimes the circumstances that led to the picture are part of the package.

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Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Arabian falconry - Jeanene and a little owl on an Arabian steed during a falconry fair event.
Jeanene and a little owl on an Arabian steed during a falconry fair event.
Arabian Amigo : - Jeanene in arabian attire with Amigo the buzzard.
Jeanene in arabian attire with Amigo the buzzard.
Little Owl - Little owl on my hand and me on an arabian steed.
Little owl on my hand and me on an arabian steed.
Falconry Best Friends - Laura and Jeanene during a falconry fair event with two american kestrels.
Laura and Jeanene during a falconry fair event with two american kestrels.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry : - Two little owls.....two is company and three is a crowd.
Two little owls.....two is company and three is a crowd.
Falconry :  - This little owl fell asleep after crawling between some sheets.
This little owl fell asleep after crawling between some sheets.
Falconry Fun : - Hallo, what's your name ? An inquisitive americam kestrel examines the camera.
Hallo, what's your name ? An inquisitive americam kestrel examines the camera.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry Funnies : - A human birds of prey perch.
A human birds of prey perch.
Identity Crisis - Look Mom I'm a duck! Harris hawk in the pond.
Look Mom I'm a duck! Harris hawk in the pond.
I see you - Harris wants to know what is inside the camera lense
Harris wants to know what is inside the camera lense
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry : - Hey.. what ja looking at pal.... The young snow wol Agje.
Hey.. what ja looking at pal.... The young snow wol Agje.
Falconry - Valkerij
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