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Falconry with Hawks Photo Gallery

Of the hawk species I have had the pleasure to meet, the Harris hawk named "Kira", was the most friendly raptor. The Harris hawks are the easiest hawks to work with, because they accept humans as friends more readily than other species. I love to teach them 'tricks', like catching their food in-flight and in mid-air, by calling them and then throwing some food high into the air.

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Harris Hawk - Diana the Harris Hawk
Diana the Harris Hawk
Falconer with Harris Hawk - Harris Hawk on gauntlet of falocner.
Harris Hawk on gauntlet of falocner.
Harris Hawk Training - Training a Harris Hawk.
Training a Harris Hawk.
Harris Hawk - Harris with a full crop.
Harris with a full crop.
Falconry - Falconer with Harris.
Falconer with Harris.
Harris Hawk - Jeanene and Kira the Harris Hawk.
Jeanene and Kira the Harris Hawk.
Falconry Training - Kira in falconry training.
Kira in falconry training.
Happy Harris - A happy Harris Hawk.
A happy Harris Hawk.
Falconry - Falconer and bird of prey mutual respect.
Falconer and bird of prey mutual respect.
Harris Hawk Falconry - Harris Hawk Kira on the falconers gauntlet.
Harris Hawk Kira on the falconers gauntlet.
Falconry with Harris Hawks - Falconer adjusts jesses on harris hawk.
Falconer adjusts jesses on harris hawk.
Harris Wark Kira - This is Kira the Harris Hawk.
This is Kira the Harris Hawk.
Harris Hawk Head - Closeup of Harris Hawk Kira.
Closeup of Harris Hawk Kira.
Harris Head - Kira in a good mood.
Kira in a good mood.
Falconry Fun - Falconer sharing a joke with a Harris Hawk.
Falconer sharing a joke with a Harris Hawk.
Yarak - Ready for the hunt.
Ready for the hunt.
Yarak - Searching for prey.
Searching for prey.
Falconry - Harris Hawk on block.
Harris Hawk on block.
Falconry Hawks - Winter training with Harris Hawk.
Winter training with Harris Hawk.
Falconry trust - Mutual respect and trust between Harris Hawk and falconer.
Mutual respect and trust between Harris Hawk and falconer.
Falconry - Hawks in a row on their blocks.
Hawks in a row on their blocks.
A breeze - Harris wanting to fly when is feels the breeze.
Harris wanting to fly when is feels the breeze.
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