Falconry News, Events and Happenings
Falconcrest Falconry Festival 2012
This being the fourth annual two day falconry event hosted at Falconcrest birds of prey park in Eindhoven.
Birds of prey demonstrations will be hosted by international falconers.
This event as seen from the previous years is one of the european falconry events not to be missed.
Location: Falconcrest Birds Of Prey Park, Bokt 18, 5633 BG Eindhoven, The Netherlands
When: Saturday 30 June to Sunday 1 July 2012, gates open to the public from 10:00 - 17:00 each day.
Normal park entry fees apply.
Zion Falconry Show 2011
The first 'open door' falconry event of VZW Zion. There are activities for young and old, with a jumping kastel, card reader and other activities.
Location: Vijverstraat 15, Herselt, Belgium
When: Sunday 26 June 2011. From 13:00 until late. Entrance 5 euro and children under 12 year are free.
Falconcrest - Falconry Festival 2011
The third time that Falconcrest hosts the 'Falconry Fair'. This two day falconry event that attracts falconers from all over the world has become known as the most socaible falconry get together of the Netherlands. With the family friendly birds of prey park as main venue, it will be a great opportunity for families to experience a great two days of exotic birds of prey and falconry demonstrations from international falconers.
Special guest this year: Martin Ballam of Extreme Falconry U.K.
Location: Falconcrest Birds Of Prey Park, Bokt 18, 5633 BG Eindhoven, The Netherlands
When: Saturday 16 to Sunday 17 July 2011, gates open from 10:00 - 17:00 each day.
Falconry Fair Affligem 2011
This falconry fair is planned for August and promises an unique collection of birds of prey and owls on display. During the day there will also be falconry workshops and conferences and other activities for families and young folk.
Location: Bellekouter Complex Affligem, Bellestraat 99, 1790 Affligem, Belgium.
When: Sunday 28th of August 2011, gates open from 10:00 to 18:00. Entrance costs: 4 euro for VVK members, else 5 euro at the gate. Children are free.
Golden Glove Falconry Competition 2011
The Golden Glove for falconers to see who gives the best demonstrations. More information can be found at www.valkerij-neverland.be
Location: 'De sleppen uier', Laurysgewapstraat 79, 2560 Nijlen, Belgium
When: Sunday 4 September 2011 from 10:00 to 17:00. Entry tickets are 5 euro per person.
Falconry and Hawking Event 2011
The UK Falconry & Hawking Event is a two day event planned for Saturday 3rd and Sunday the 4th of September. Some of the countries leading wildlife artists will be showcasing their work. It promises to be an actioned packed weekend dedicated to falconry at the International Centre for Birds of Prey. With more than 300 birds on display it will be the largest collection of birds for the public to view. There will also be several talks and seminars on falconry during these two days.
Location: International Centre for Birds of Prey, Newent, Gloucestershire.
When: Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 September, gates open from 9:00 to 18:00. Entrance costs: 10 pounds, children 6 pounds. There is the ability to camp on the grounds for the two day event. More information can be found at https://www.falconryhawking.co.uk.
Falconry and Nature Fair 2011
The Falconry and Nature Fair of 2011 has falconry demonstrations, nature photography, expositions of birds of prey, a kids jugle and outdoor clothing. The special this year is an English falconer that flies his birds while on horseback.
Location: the Lodge, Alphensebaan 14, Gilze, Netherlands
When: Sunday 5 June 2011. From 10:00 to 17:00. Entrance 7 euro per person.
Roofvogelhappening 2011
Presented by the falconers of Kasterlee in conjunction with Kasterlee municipality and VVV-Kasterlee, a falconry happening for the whole family. With continuous birds of prey demonstrations with falcons, eagles, vultures and owls. Activities on show are old trades, jumping kastle, kids make-up, sheep driving, hunting dog demonstrations, hunting clothing and apparel and performances by horn blowers.
Location: 'Landgoed Heidehoeve', Retiesebaan 254, 2460 Kasterlee, Belgium
When: Sunday 12 June 2011. from 10:00 to 18:00. Entry 5 euro, children under 12 free.
De Steppearend - International Falconry Gathering
This will be the 6th time that the falconry association 'De Steppearend' will be hosting the International Falconry Gathering.
Location: Manege Bosscherhof, Genkerweg 36, 3690 Zutendaal in Belgium
When: Sunday 15 May 2011
International Falconry Expo Germany
This will be the third international 'Falcon Expo' held in Germany. This falconry exposition has as theme, besides birds of prey, hunting and fishing as well.
Location: Schaffhauserstrasse 121, Bad Säckingen
When: 1st - 3rd October 2011
Live Falconry and birds of prey news feed
Implements social media feeds to keep tabs on who is twittering about falconry and birds of prey.
Dutch Falconry uses QR code as additional service
Falconcrest falconry in Eindhoven, the Netherlands is using QR codes on their promotional material as additional service.
These square barcodes can be read by smart phones and provide additional information, functions and services. So no more remembering the website address or telephone number, just scan the code to get it all and more, right at your finger tips on the mobile phone.
International Festival Of Falconry
The third international gathering for falconers from all corners of the globe. This Festival Of Falconry is one of the biggest, most diverse and most educational and should not be missed!
Location: Abu Dhabi
When: 15 - 17 december 2011
PS: I am looking for sponsors to be able to attend...anyone want to go with me? ;)
During a recent visit to South Africa I was invited to join a young falconer, Marcus Carstens, on a hunt for guinea fowl in the Stellenbosch area near Cape Town.
Off to the hunting grounds.
Marcus and the black sparrowhawk
Searching for quarry
Quarry found and ready to release the sparrowhawk
Guinea fowl scatter as the hawk is released
Sparrowhawk with a perfect kill of a guinea fowl
The sparrowhawk is still in training and is allowed (for now) to eat the quarry completely
Thanks to Marcus for taking me along on the falconry hunting trip. I learnt a lot about the birds of prey in South Africa and the differences in the rules and regulations of being a falconer in South Africa as compared to a falconer in the Netherlands. If you want to know more about falconry in South Africa, you can contact 'Eagle Encounters' near Stellenbosch and close to Cape Town.
The Falconry Education Info day is a free, no strings attached initiative of Falconcrest birds of prey park in Eindhoven with the aim to supply clear and accurate information about what is needed and how to go about becoming a falconer in The Netherlands.
When: Sunday, 10th October 2010 from 11:00 to 13:30.
Location: Falconcrest birds of prey park, Bokt 18, 5633 BG Eindhoven
Free registration here: Registration Info Day Falconry
The Falcon's Nest presents the falconry and country style fair with epctacular shows and homely country style stands. Entry 5 euro.
When: Sunday 10 october 2010 from 10:00 to 17:00
Location: Wedelse Molen, Bruegelweg 250, Overpelt - Belgium.
Golden Glove 2010 falconry competition
Falconry Competition: Golden Glove
When: Sunday, 5th September 2010
Location: tavern 'de slappen uier', Laurys Gewatstraat 79, 2560 Nijlen - Belgium
Falconry and Nature Exhibition 2011
An exhibition birds of prey and nature enthusiasts, interested parties and falconers, with the emphasis on the falconry trade.
Falconry and nature festival, Sunday 5th June 2011 - Entrance fee 7,00 euro
The Lodge, Alphensebaan 14, 5126 PR Gilze
Falconry Fair Update
The 'Falconcrest Falconry Hunting and Naure Fair' is already known as the most sociable two day festival in the Netherlands, and this year they plan to make it even better.
There is a tombola with great prizes to be won, like::
- A brand new falconry telemetry set from Marshal
- Falconry material from Falconcrest
- Raptor blocks from Falconiformes
- Leather for falconry from Mac Falcon
- Food packages from Kiezebrink
Park Entry |
Adults |
6 euro |
Children (4-13) |
4 euro |
Children(0-3) |
Free |
Gates open at 10:00 and close at 17:00
When: Saturday - Sunday, 17th and 18th July 2010
Locatie: Falconcrest Birds Of Prey Park,
Bokt 18,
5633 BG Eindhoven
GPS - Lat: 51.490670 Lng: 5.496670
Birds of Prey Show VZW Free Spirit - Open door day
When: Sunday, 1 August 2010
Location: Opworpstraat 55, 3560 Lummen
GPS: - Lat: 50.974114 Lng: 5.231407
Birds of prey club VZW Free Spirit is organizing their 3rd 'open door day' on the 1st of August 2010.
Falconcrest Falconry Hunting and Nature Fair
When: Saturday - Sunday, June 17th and 18th 2010
Location: Falconcrest Birds Of Prey Park,
Bokt 18,
5633 BG Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
GPS - Lat: 51.490670 Lng: 5.496670
Falconry fair with nature and hunting as the main theme. A great opportunity for birds of prey enthusiasts and everyone interested in birds of prey, hunting and nature to experience the facinating world of the falconer.
For standholders, participants and falconry equipment vendors, registration form to attend this falconry festival can be found at: Falconry Hunting and Nature Festival Registration Form in English, Dutch and German.
The first Bald Eagle egg of 2010
On the 9th of February that is when it all happend. The sun came up on a cold Tuesday morning to reveal that the Bald eagles had an egg in their nest. I think that is pretty good news, but with this cold weather (it was -6 this morning) I hope all goes well for the new Bald eagles.
More images can be found at Bald Eagle Nest - Live Webcam Images image archive at Falconcrest or you can watch it via the live video feed on Internet at rtsp://
For those who only have http, link too Bald Eagle Nest Images via HTTP it refreshes the live view on the eagle nest every 5 seconds.
Update: 6/6/2010: For those following the live web camera feed of the eagles nest. Early June 2010 the young Balb Eagle (named Attila) started with the tradiaional Dutch birds of prey training program. This because the parents were getting agitated with the fledglling eaglet and because it was the right time to start the trianing of a non-imprint eagle. For those interested to see how it ventures with Attila, see www.falconcrest.eu for more details.
Flying with an eagle
The Spanish falconer Jose Luis Ortiz has mounted a video camera on an eagles back. Now you can fly with the eagle and see the world as these birds of prey experience it.
There are more steppe eagle and golden eagle video's on the site of Jose Luis Ortiz. Definately worth a visit, and always interesting to see what falconers in other countries are doing.
For falconry fans and good friends

Jeanene Steeman on Hyves
All the falconry images and news you can't put here you can share there ;)
Bird Sanctuary Centre Lecture

A lecture about everything that is involved with the revalidation of birds. The accent of this lecture is aimed at the care and revalidation of birds of prey in particular. About treatment of birds of prey that have been poisoned, have gun shot wounds or abanduned chicks. The purpose is to allow the birds to regain their health fully and then returning them back to nature in their natural habitat.
When: Tuesday 24 November in the evenings
Location: The Fort at Giessen - Just outside the town of Giessen on the Giessensesteeg road.
Valkerij & Natuurbeurs 2010
When: Sunday, June 6th 2010
Location: Falls Lodge
Alphensebaan 14
Gilze (between Tilburg and Breda)
Valkerij - & plattelandsbeurs
When: Sunday 11 Oktober 2009
Location: Wedelse molen
Breugelweg 250
3900 Overpelt
Birds of prey news
The three young snow owls are ready, after 8 weeks they can fly really well.
Snow Owl Basja |
Snow Owl Ugly |
Snow Owl Bono |
Snow owl training will be the drill at Falconcrest in the near future, first they get 'boots' with 'jeses' and then via the long line they are taught to trust humans and to come to the falconers gauntlet for food. When it gets so far, we'll have our hands full as the traditional Dutch falconry rules apply at Falconcrest...LOADS of patience and the birds of prey come first!. It's really a load of work as (snow) owls are really stubborn and require a lot of time and energy. We'll have our hands full with these three rascals. |
Little Owls, better late than never
It is rather late in the season for little owls to have a nest, but believe it or not, two little owl chicks were born at the end of August and we are really happy about this. Even though we had to pay with blood sweat and tears to be able to check the nest in the hollow tree, because the chicks are just a few days old and the parents protect the nest with a passion.
Live falconry news feed from Internet
Implementation of social media to keep up to date on what others are busy with in the world of Falconry and birds of prey. But good people of social media..heed this: What do you get when you combine YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? You get 'YouTwitFace.com' ;)