Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

Golden Glove Falconry Competition

A great initiative of Andy Vergalle of Falconry Neverland in Belgium. A falconry competition with as trophey a golden falconers gauntlet. This even is then aptly called the "Golden Glove".

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Click on the images to enlarge.

Dutch Radio Engineering - At the Golden Glove - DRE with falconry telemetry
At the Golden Glove - DRE with falconry telemetry
Goshawk - A goshawk at the Golden Glove event
A goshawk at the Golden Glove event
Old Trades at the Golden Glove - Leather craft at the Golden Glove
Leather craft at the Golden Glove
Leather works - Old trades - Working with leather
Old trades - Working with leather
Falconry Euipment - Plenty of stands with falconry materials
Plenty of stands with falconry materials
Falconry - Valkerij
Kookaburra - All the way from Australia a kookaburra
All the way from Australia a kookaburra
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Red kite - A red kite at the Golden Glove
A red kite at the Golden Glove
Red-footed falcon - A red footed falcon at the falconry competition
A red footed falcon at the falconry competition
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij

The Golden Glove falconers competition is an annual event held in Belgium.

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