“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
For more photographs of the american kestrel, see my Falcon Photo Gallery.
The Gyrfalcon is the largest of the falcon species. These falcons live in the Northern Polar regions called the Tundra. It prefers coastal areas where there are mountains. They have big variations in plumage, from nearly white to dark brown. There name they got from the latin word "gyrus" (or circle) because of their hunting method, they glide in circles while looking for prey. Gyrfalcons do not build nests, they will lay there eggs on rocky outcrops or use another birds abandoned nest. Once a year from one to five eggs are layed and these take 35 days to hatch. Young Gyrfalcons stay with their parents for up to four months before choosing there own way. In the wild Gyrfalcons can reach an age of twenty years.
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Put the mouse on the speaker symbol to play the Gyrfalcon sounds. This recording is of a Gyrfalcon that has spotted danger (another bird of prey circling up above) and is warning others to be watchful and careful.
For actual and most updated information on the Gyrfalcon.