“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
For more photographs of the Harris Hawk, see my Falconry with Hawks Photographs.
Did you know that the Harris Hawk is the only bird of prey that hunts for its food in groups.
These remarkable birds of prey are smart and social hunters. The hunt in packs and work together to locate and catch the prey. It is called a 'Harris Hawk' but the Greek word 'Parabuteo' means 'like a buzzard'. Harris Hawks are from the south western regions of America and also found in most of South America. They like semi-desert areas but are also found in swamps and mangroves. The female builds the nests and these are generally located in cacti, trees or large bushes. Between two to four eggs are laid and sometime up to three times a year. Harris Hawk eggs take 35 days to hatch and after 50 days the young hawks are ready to take to the sky. Often the young birds will stay with their parents and help with hunting and rearing other young. Because of their social behavior, Harris Hawks seem to accept working with humans more readily than other species and for this they are often the preferred bird of prey in falconry.
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