Deze arend heet 'Bo'.
 Bo de steppearend houdt een paar buizerds die in lucht boven het park zweven goed in de gaten.
 De steppearend toont zijn jacht gereedheid (Yarak), dit kan je zien aan de stand van de veren die achter zijn hoofd.
 Steppe Eagle 'Bo' basking in the sun and watching what the other guests are doing.
 Bo posing for a picture.
 'Bo' is a very curious steppe eagle and finds almost everything interesting.
 This is Doenja the chili eagle. This raptor is also know as a 'black-chested eagle-buzzard'.
 Getting ready to fly the chili eagle of a cold Winter afternoon.
 Waiting for Doenja to settle down on the gauntlet and confirming the telemetry is switched on.
 Ready for flight, holding doenja up so she can get a better view of the terrain as she prepares to take off.
 Doenja having a good nibble at the gauntlet.
 Making sure Doenja is at ease with the surroundings.
 Doenja making a low approach over the ground
 Doenja the chili eagle gliding low over the ground.
 A close-up of Doenja the chili eagle.
 Chili eagle Doenja sitting on her block at the falconry.
 Doenja on her block.
 Chiliarend land op valkeniershandschoen.
 Adelaar trots op een boom tak.
 Chiliarend in aantocht.
 This Bald Egle is part of the breeding program at Falconcrest Falconry.
 This Bald Eagle lives at Falconcrest Falconry in The Netherlands.
 Chilliarend in boom
 Steenarend in duik om prooi te pakken.
 Valkenier met chiliarend.
 Doenja has seen a rabbit in a field and is locked onto it.
 Showing Doenja the park and it's surroundings, she is still a little hestitant, so easy does it.
 This bird is heavy, and after showing her the park, my hand and arm are quite lame.
 Steenarend vliegt voorbij.
 Training the chili eagle to sit comfortably on the falconeers gauntlett take a lot of time and tender loving care.
 Training the chili eagle at the falconry.
 Doenja taking a break to do some sight seeing from her perch in the tree.
 Zeearend vliegt voorbij.