“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
For more photographs of the Snow Owl, see my Falconry with Owls Photo Gallery.
How do owls fly without being heard?
Owls have special feathers. The feathers have little hairs that cause turbulance and this gives them silent flight.
Snow Owls are found around the northern hemisphere polar regions also known as the 'tundra'. These owls have special thermal isolating feathers for extreme weather conditions, their feet also have extra feathers and the beak is short with only the tip protruding from the feather protection. Small mamals are the staple food source for the Snow Owl but they also eat fish or left over prey from someone else's kill. Snow owls are not territorial and will wonder all over the place. They build nests on a mound of stones on the ground. During the breeding season in May, between four to fouteen eggs are layed and take 38 days to hatch. Both parent attend to rearing the young owls.
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