“Fine feathers make fine birds. Let not him that fears feathers come among wild-foule.”
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Different birds of prey found in Brazil - South America. These images were kindly sent to me by Andre Andrade who enjoys shooting wildlife and nature with his camera. Andre calls his collections of images "Hawks in South America". You can find more images of the beautifull nature in Brazil as photographed by Andre at: https://eiconal.blogspot.com/2010/07/gaviao-hawk.html and https://eiconal.blogspot.com/2010/08/gaviao-hawk.html.
For more information on the birds of prey in South America, Andre recommends the Zoobotânica foundation:https://www.fzb.rs.gov.br/ https://www.abfpar.orghttps://www.renctas.com.br/en/emacao/default.asp
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