Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

The Young Ones

The cute and the ugly, I think they are all adorable. The young birds of prey, from just hatched to a few weeks old. In this gallery I'll show how it goes with the young birds of prey that are raised from the egg by humans. I'd also like to show you how it is done by the real parents, however it is a real health risk approaching a nest with young raptors. I hope we will be able to install some web cams this season, then who kows, maybe next year you can watch it live online.

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Three week old kestrels - Friends and myself letting the young kestrels out  for a run on the grass.
Friends and myself letting the young kestrels out for a run on the grass.
Four Weeks Old - Two snow owl chicks
Two snow owl chicks
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
American Kestrel Hatcklings - The little hatchlings have just received their first meal.
The little hatchlings have just received their first meal.
Beauty and the beast - What a combination
What a combination
Falconry - Valkerij
Unconditional Love - Aspirations, the wish for all things good.
Aspirations, the wish for all things good.
Raptor Chicks - Had enough to eat, sleep time.
Had enough to eat, sleep time.
Feeding time - American Kestrel gets its first meal.
American Kestrel gets its first meal.
Hungry Chicks - Kestrel chicks indicating they think it is feeding time
Kestrel chicks indicating they think it is feeding time
Incubator - The five kestrel eggs in the incubator, hours after this photo was taken, they started hatching.
The five kestrel eggs in the incubator, hours after this photo was taken, they started hatching.
American Kestrels - Just a few hours old
Just a few hours old
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Kestrel Chick - A young kestrel hatchling.
A young kestrel hatchling.
Kestrels - The young kestrels one week after hatching.
The young kestrels one week after hatching.
Falconry - Valkerij
Kestrel Chicks - Two weeks old
Two weeks old
Just arrived kestrel - A new arrival, a kestrel hatchling.
A new arrival, a kestrel hatchling.
Kestrel Eggs - Kestrel eggs in the incubator
Kestrel eggs in the incubator
Kestrel Hatching - A kestrel buzy with one of it's hardest tasks, hatching from the egg.
A kestrel buzy with one of it's hardest tasks, hatching from the egg.
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Snow Owl Hatchling - A one day old snow owl.
A one day old snow owl.
Snow Owl Chick - Just one hour old
Just one hour old
Snow Owl 1 month old - Now you see why wise old owl wear glasses!
Now you see why wise old owl wear glasses!
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Falconry - Valkerij
Snow Owl Chick - This little snow owl is just one day old.
This little snow owl is just one day old.
Love - Sleeping beauties, the owl that is!
Sleeping beauties, the owl that is!
Falconry - Valkerij
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