Falconry and falconeering with snow owls

Falconry Workshops

Eagle Owl claw on gauntlet Snow owl to the gauntlet Falcon on lure Falcon attacking lure

For everyone that has no experience with birds of prey, but would like to know more about falconry, or would like to experience what it is like to have a bird of prey on your gauntlet. Even better, have the opportunity to participate in a falconry show. Then the basic falconry workshops offered by Falconcrest are the right choice.

Falconry Workshop Topics

  • Guided tour of the birds of prey park.
  • Explanation of the term 'falconry' and falconeering by the master falconer.
  • All required falconry equipment is covered: hood, guantlet, jesses and the falconers bag, what they are for and how to use them.
  • The different birds of prey species, their characteristics and role in nature.
  • Practicle lessons, the falconers knot, the lure, the bird of prey and the gauntlet.
  • Practice with a raptor on your gauntlet in preparation for free flight.
  • Participate in a raptor show - only for those that dare.
  • Rounding off with a question and answer session with snacks and beverages. (did I forget to mention lunch somewhere inbetween)

This all takes place under the caring watchful guidance of the falconers, where a lot is possible and nothing is compulsory. All falconry workshops are provided in the birds of prey park.

Falconry Workshop Information

Eagle owl conditioning Buzzard conditioning Falcon conditioning Hawk conditioning

More current information on falconry workshops can be found on Falconcrest Falconry Workshops.

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